Heal The World Where We Living, Save The Earth For Our Children
死肥婆~ This is what my mother and some of my friends used to call me. Well, nevermind, I'm dead to their criticisms. Although my mother likes to call me 死肥婆, at least my father, my babysitter and my Biology teacher said that I'm not actually fat at all. My father said I'm slim maybe is because he is an old man already, and aged person of Chinese love their descendant to be fat. They said that if someone is fat, it means that you live in very happy family, no need to worry about the food and clothes. Well, I totally agree with what they said. My Biology teacher said that I'm not fat because in school time she was fatter than me and we did the BMI test during her class. My result was that my weight is normal, not underweight, overweight or obesity. Thank God. Actually, I'm just more than 50kg below than 60kg. My height is about 158 cm to 162 cm. Perhaps they said I'm fat because I was underweight when I was in primary school. My fatness is caused by gastric. I suffered from gastric pain since I was standard 1 and I scared it will keep disturbing me until I'm dead. So I eat no matter what happen. And this caused me fat. Nevermind, those skinny people just jealous of my body, jealous of my money. They envy I have the money to eat.
I'm not that fat actually. Compare with the pictures below.

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